To share or not to share - that is the question
I'm toying with the idea of making a bit of writing of mine from a few years ago publicly accessible on the Internet, on, but I'm not sure yet if I really want to. The "story" is only a page long in Word and it isn't even very good, but whatever. I just uploaded it to the site because I think it's a cool idea to have a writing portfolio. Even if it's online, and currently only accessible by me, and only comprised of one piece of so-called writing. Anyway, the story is about, um, styrofoam. Yes, I did just say "styrofoam". It's brilliant, I tell you. Really.
Anyhoo, it's so not, and I don't know why I'm even telling you all about this story-thing you can't even get to other than maybe because I have nothing else at the moment to post about on here and so this is all I've got. :)
Maybe something [good] will arise soon that's interesting enough for me to tell you all about...? Here's hoping.